Glasgow based Wooden Floor Sanding and Sealing, covering all of Scotland including Highlands and Islands

Carbon Neutral Flooring Retailer

"You don't need to knock down trees to shop with us, we'll visit you and plant some instead"


Why set-up a business based on using a vehicle to service customers?  Well it's a great question but by doing it this way we can reduce the average journey needed to complete the buying cycle of flooring by at least 30%

A normal buying cycle will include a visit to a store, sometimes 2 or 3 visits, most of these will then include a home consultation/measuring service before finally an installer is arranged for at least one visit. 

At Flooring Naturally, our store is our Website.  From this you can browse all of the products, read about them and arrange a free sample.  However, you can then book a free Home Consultation by simply completing the short pop-up form and we'll bring the showroom to you. 

  • We'll take all the samples to your door
  • Carry out a full survey
  • Provide a full estimate
  • Arrange an installation date

And you haven't even had to leave your house!

What can be better than this?  Well, our aim is to be carbon neutral, so we track all mileage used by ourselves and our installers and each quarter we provide these for audit.  The final mileage is then calculated with Carbon Footprint.  This mileage is then offset through investment of tree planting in the UK - We even receive a certificate!

Simply put:  The small footprint you generate by using Flooring Naturally leaves a legacy for generations to come.